Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hanging Laundry

In my continued effort to serve God and save the planet, I am glad to find that my family already participates an an age old tradition which conserves an immense amount of energy. On of the largest energy consuming appliances in our homes (and the largest household electricity consumer in the country) is our dryer. What people do not realize, is that living without an electric or gas powered dryer is possible. Dr. Sleeth recommends in his book, "Serve God Save the Planet" he suggests the use of the revolutionary, "solar powered clothes dryer". In other words, the outdoor laundry line. In addition, the chore of hanging laundry is a good way to do work with ones hands and accomplish something, which is very good for the psyche. Never mind the wonder of the smell and crisp feel of fresh laundry hung on the line.
Oh, and in the winter, a good laundry rack will do the job, especially if the house is warm and dry from being heated with good old bio fuel such as wood in the stove.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Our family did away with our dryer 2 years ago. There is something very theraputic about the act of hanging clothes on a clothes drying rack or a line. I think it forces us to slow down and be more deliberate in our actions. I think God would approve.
