Wednesday, July 1, 2009


In my pursuit to serve God and save the planet, I , like many others, am adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. This of course involves eating foods that are organic and local. Organic, because less energy and chemicals are consumed on fertilizers and pesticides. And local, to save on shipping costs and support the local community. I decided to try and save money also, (being unemployed and all). So, I'm trying to grow my own food. The Dudley acres farm has always had a few pear and peach trees, so we continue to harvest from those. Each fall we can peaches and make pear sauce. This harvest, I also want to make pear wine and pear mead (I will need lots of honey). We have also added three apple trees a few years ago which we can get apples from each year. I also have a large black raspberry patch, though it needs pruning this fall. I planted six cucumber plants this year, only four survived, but all have flowers on them which will turn into tasty cucumbers!
My mother also grows a few vegetables. In her raised bed garden she has tomatoes, peppers, peas, and basil. Next year, we also want chickens to make eggs and to eat all kinds of garden beasties, of the arthropod and gastropod varieties. I would also like some bees in the future to supply honey. Also next year, I would like to grow sweet corn, squash and beans, like the Wampanoag and Nipmuc natives of this area. They grew corn to make corn meal, and planted it with beans to give the soil nitrogen, and squash to keep away raccoons (raccoons will not step on the prickly leaves of squash plants).
In a few years...I also want some goats like Grandma Grace Dudley. We shall see, but as far as I can see, I have high hopes for Dudley Acres Farm to be a farm again. A step back into the past, and a step in the right direction for a sustainable future.


  1. Good article, good thoughts. Hope. Gracie would be proud of you. I also grow green beans!

  2. mmm mead! You'll have to send me a bottle!


  3. I hope your cucumbers are doing well!
